Simcenter FloTherm
Simcenter FloTherm is a powerful fluid dynamics calculation (CFD) software package for convection and heat transfer in and around electronic devices. The use of Simcenter FloTherm saves time in prototyping individual components and boards to complete systems and data centers.
Simcenter FloTherm is an easy way to optimize thermal design of electronics, design and thermal simulation of PCBs, and create compact models of IC components.
Why Simcenter FloTherm?
- Accelerated thermal design process
Simcenter FloTherm can be integrated with MCAD and EDA tools. Modeling is facilitated by the ability to import XML. Further acceleration is achieved by automatic processing of the calculation result. Automatic sequential optimization and the DoE option reduce the time required to achieve optimal design. - Robust networking tool and fast solver
SmartParts and Structured-Cartensian Method are implemented to achieve accurate results in a short period of time. The solution of non-conforming networks is solved by the “localized-grid” technique. - Intelligent temperature models
Simcenter FloTherm models automatically detect contacts between components. It is possible to find out what power is connected to individual objects and thus calculate the corresponding power loss of the assembly. Electronics libraries from a large number of commercial suppliers are also available to minimize solution time. - Temperature characteristics and analyzes of components and whole systems
The Simcenter FloTherm can be combined with a real measurement of the transient temperature characteristics obtained with the T3Ster tester. Thus, chip, integrated circuit and PCB design with excellent thermal efficiency can be achieved.
More about Simcenter FloTherm: Simcenter FloTherm