
4. 10. 2022 Bratislava: Strojnícka fakulta STU v Bratislave, Námestie slobody 17, 812 31 Bratislava 1 (room 004)
For the whole TechSim Engineering company, we are pleased to invite you to our Testing conference.
Either you are responsible for quality, production efficiency, manufacturing processes, or challenged to develop your products faster, this event is for you.
As SIEMENS partner, we deliver state-of art solutions, helping customers to reduce production costs. TechSim will show you, how you can implement them.
The event will cover two main areas.
- Quality control – Testing in production. Morning session will focus on three main pillars of our vibroacoustics production quality solution: End-of-the-Line-Testing, Non-destructive Testing and Process Monitoring.
- Testing in product development. In the second part, we will show you how to resolve basic noise and vibration problems, predict their sources and what equipment can you use for it.
You can view the conference PROGRAM here.
Organizational instructions
You can register by filling out the registration form below.
The registration fee is 50 EUR including VAT. For students and academic staff, it is reduced to 40 EUR and includes inserts, materials, refreshments and lunch.
The invoice for the registration fee will be automatically sent within 14 days.